Últimas entradas


Multibeam sonar distortion simulator

AZTI has developed a simulator that replicates real and potential distortion conditions in the data collected by multibeam sonars. By recreating various scenarios, users can identify and address potential errors, thereby enhancing the precision of their measurements. This application is designed for both fishers and scientists who use multibeam sonars and echo sounders for commercial […]

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estudio zona mesopelagica

Mesopelagic zone research

Key findings on mesopelagic zone research This report presents the main findings and progress made in the SUMMER project, which focuses on the mesopelagic zone, a vast and enigmatic ecosystem that spans depths between 200 and 1,000 meters and occupies about 60% of the planet’s surface. SUMMER has explored this ecosystem from multiple perspectives: the […]

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Marine Spatial planning assessment tool

Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning assessment tool

The Ecosystem-Based Management Assessment Tool is designed to help evaluate the alignment of spatial plans with essential ecosystem-based management criteria. This tool provides valuable insights for both implemented plans and those in the early stages of development. ACCESS TO THE SOFTWARE Key Features Standardized Evaluation: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of spatial plans, identifying specific […]

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Identification guide to requiem sharks of the Eastern Atlantic

Correct identification of sharks is essential to assess and mitigate the impact of bycatch, protect vulnerable species and ensure the sustainability of fisheries. This guide is aimed at people involved in marine research and fisheries (such as samplers, skippers and crews on board freezer tuna vessels). It covers aspects related to the morphology of sharks, […]

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KOSTASystem: Videometry and coastal applications

Public administrations near the coast need new tools to forecast environmental situations linked to climate change, such as rising sea levels or adverse weather phenomena. To fill this gap, the AZTI technology centre led the development of KOSTASystem technology, a videometry system that makes it possible to monitor the coastline by combining autonomous video cameras and algorithms for […]

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Vegetable creams km 0

Itsaslur Agroalimentary Innovation Centre, a recently created social inclusion company supported by the Fundación de Trabajadores de la Siderurgia Integral, has collaborated with AZTI in the design and development of production lines for the manufacture of pasteurised creams and sterilised products. The Technology Centre has provided the knowledge and processes necessary to create a range […]

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Peanut snack with high insect protein content (Tenebrio Molitor)

The snack has the following nutritional claims: low sugar content high fibre content high protein content AZTI has been working with Ecolumber for several years and as a result of this collaboration has developed this new line of snacks with a high protein content based on alternative insect protein (Tenebrio Molitor). Allergens: Molluscs and crustaceans, […]

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Marine climate change report

AZTI, a technology centre specialising in marine and food research, has published a comprehensive report reviewing decades of research and commitment to finding a scientific response to the impact of climate change on the seas and oceans. The document provides relevant data on the accelerated and unprecedented changes that these ecosystems are undergoing, and serves […]

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herramientas liberacion

Tools for the release of vulnerable fauna on freezer tuna vessels

The release tools allow the development of safe release practices on board, and increase survival after the release of sensitive species (sharks, turtles and rays), which interact with purse seine fishing. At AZTI we work in collaboration with tuna companies operating in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans and naval technicians with the aim of […]

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gam niche


GAM-NICHE is a new tool developed by AZTI (Valle et al. 2023) to build Species Distribution Models (SDMs) under the ecological niche theory (Citores et al. 2020). It provides a GitHub tutorial in R language with an application to marine fish. What is it? Species distribution models (SDMs) are numerical tools that combine observations of […]

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The Lipiwell method We measure biomarkers that connect metabolism and nutrition through Artificial Intelligence models that generate personalized nutrition and health plans to improve people’s state of well-being. Lipiwell “In Company”: Personalized nutrition solutions for workplace wellness. We focus on people in order to achieve healthier companies At Lipiwell we understand that in order to […]

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The various applications of 2Btest solutions in food products allow rapid and reliable analysis for the authentication of animal species through DNA, and the detection of marine biotoxins or pesticides by enzymatic methods. At 2Btest we adapt to your specific needs, those of your sector and product. We develop customized solutions that allow you to […]

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The ENVIRODIGITAL platform is built on an online calculator which allows companies to calculate and reduce the environmental impact of their products throughout their life cycle. ENVIRODIGITAL’s basic functionalities: Inventory data collection from all stages of the life cycle of a product based on the criteria set by the rules of each PEFCR (Product Environmental […]

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AQUAPEF Tool proporciona a las empresas una completa caracterización del Impacto Ambiental del Producto de acuerdo con las directrices del PEF. Además, también presenta un análisis de contribución de las principales causas y origen del impacto, que ofrece a las empresas la posibilidad de crear nuevos escenarios de mejora ambiental. Características Herramienta online amigable, adaptada […]

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Automatic counter for anchovies and small pelagics with artificial vision

The automatic anchovy counter is a system based on image techniques and artificial intelligence, which is capable of locating and counting the number of fish, calculating the grain or units per kilogram, quickly and automatically. In this way, the process is optimised and made more efficient, while at the same time obtaining fundamental objective data […]

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Yuit Podwer

Yuit Powders

In collaboration with YUIT, AZTI has carried out an innovation process during which it has managed to design and develop 7 nutritionally balanced powdered product references for consumption after regeneration with water in drink format. These products have been developed by innovating in their formulation and, significantly, in the design of their nutritional profile, as […]

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Moses Index: Blue Economy Pressure Index

The Moses Index (password: MOSES_AZTI) is a synthetic index based on a set of indicators to measure the impact of the blue economic activity on the EU’s marine resources, and in particular by the fisheries sector – NACE 3.11 (and each of its activities such as the small-scale fleet). This index, developed in the European […]

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Artisanal Fisheries Toolbox

AZTI has developed a series of tools that provide small-scale fishing fleets with an intuitive and accessible solution for the control and monitoring of both their activities and the resources of the sea, thus contributing to the improvement of the management and sustainability of the sector. The explanations of these tools are integrated in this […]

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EATrends 2022

Sustainability, trust, proximity, social responsibility, wellbeing, experimentation and smart solutions. These seven macro-trends are driving the present and future of food consumption, according to the report EATrends 2022 – Food innovation connected with consumers, developed by the intelligence and innovation team of the AZTI technology centre. These are the 7 axes that will guide the lifestyle, attitudes […]

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Guide for the selection of valorisation options of by-catches

This working guide, developed in the framework of the European project Discardless, deals with how Unavoidable, Unwanted Catches (UUC) can be utilised once they have been landed. A comprehensive view and analysis of the possibilities of the multiple existing valorisation options for the fish species and their parts is given.Then, a methodology for the selection […]

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Ready-to-eat salmon and smoked cod tartares

AZTI has developed two references of ready-to-eat smoked salmon and cod tartares together with the company Vensy. An innovation process has been carried out in which the specifications of the prototypes have been defined, and then work has been carried out on the design and development of the prototypes. The objective has been to achieve […]

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Multi-layer sugar-reduced bars

A product developed under the health driver with the aim of reducing the sugar content of each of the different bars by 30% while maintaining their essence and the indulgence/pleasure associated with their consumption. These bars, which will be launched on the US market in 2021, have been developed jointly by NATRA and AZTI for […]

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hamburguesas de solomillos de pato

Duck sirloin burger

AZTI has developed a duck burger for the company Delicass that stands out for its high duck tenderloin content and its high sensory quality, delicious flavour and juicy texture. Delicass is a company dedicated to the breeding of Mulard ducks and the processing, marketing and distribution of quality-certified artisanal duck products to hypermarkets, supermarkets, shops […]

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croquetas lautxo

Improved croquette coating

AZTI ha colaborado con la empresas especializada en croquetas y platos típicos vascos Lautxo en la mejora de la estabilidad de las croquetas. El centro tecnológico ha mejorado el proceso de fritura a través de la investigación e innovación en coberturas de empanado. AZTI has collaborated with Lautxo, a company specialised in croquettes and typical […]

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zappore producto alimentario aerosol

Innovative aerosol product

AZTI has developed an orange foam for the company ZAPPORE FROTH & FOODS S.L., dedicated to the production of aerosol food products, aimed at the HORECA sector.  This foam is applied in a wide range of products, mainly on beverages, giving rise to a combination of intense flavours and surprising textures. The company starts marketing […]

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plataforma de interacción con los consumidores

Consumer interaction platform

AZTI has an online platform for interaction with consumers that allows constant and effective communication with Spanish families with children, offering information on nutrition, healthy habits and promoting participation in online forums and questionnaires on a wide range of topics of interest. In addition, this platform has implemented a chatbot that provides automatic and available […]

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Guidelines for the implementation of the 3-barrier system

The “3 Barriers System” is based on a sequential system of actions aimed at minimising water consumption at source and preventing and reducing pollution from discharges through actions and improvement measures throughout the production processes. The purpose of this guide is to provide information on the methodological and operational system known as the ‘3-barrier system’, […]

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fondos marinos

Ecological Assessment and Marine Spatial Planning (VAPEM tool)

Fields of study Energy Wind energy feasibility. Basque Country and Europe scope Wave energy feasibility. Natural Capital and Ecosystem Services Aquaculture: Mussels Marine tourism Fisheries: Bottom trawling fisheries and Artisanal fisheries Marine Spatial Planning. Spatial Conflicts Analysis and solution tool (nets, longlines and traps) Applicable sectors Administration: management of uses of the marine environment Identification […]

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Wind energy feasibility

Conceptual framework Geographic range Basque Country (local scale) and North East Atlantic and Western Mediterranean (regional scale) Activities Explore the model at different scales (link coming soon) Scientific papers Pınarbaşı, K., I. Galparsoro, D. Depellegrin, J. Bald, G. Perez-Moran, A. Borja, 2019. A modelling approach for offshore wind farm feasibility with respect to ecosystem-based marine […]

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Conflicts of Use model

Conceptual framework The conflict of use model is design to predict the fishing ground suitability within a specific area for each métier based on past fishing effort, past catch revenue and environmental suitability, which depends on primary habitat, distance from port and distance from rock. Geographic range Basque Country (North of Spain) scale. The outer […]

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Basque Food Industry 4.0 Diagnosis

AZTI has carried out an exhaustive sectoral diagnosis in order to assess the degree of implementation of different 4.0 technologies, as well as the needs and barriers that exist in this area in the Basque food sector as a whole. This diagnosis aims, in a quantifiable and objective way, to visualise the level of introduction […]

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Natural Capital model

Conceptual framework Geographic range Basque Country (North of Spain) scale. The outer limit is established at 24 nautical miles from the shoreline. Activities Explore the model for each maritime activity (link coming soon) Scientific papers Gacutan, J., I. Galparsoro, A. Murillas-Maza, 2019. Towards an understanding of the spatial relationships between natural capital and maritime activities: […]

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Innovative nut snack

AZTI has developed a snack for Ecolumber, a company specialising in the cultivation and marketing of nuts and dried fruit, which retains all the nutritional and organoleptic properties of nuts and dried fruit, but with a new structure that has made it possible to reduce the calorie density. The result is a product that will […]

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FOOD FASHION FESTIVAL nina tendencias alimentarias

EATrends 2020

At AZTI we work on identifying and anticipating market trends, knowing that trends are not an end in themselves, but a means to successful innovation: profitable for the company and relevant for consumers, who are at the epicentre of innovation. The trends are marking and are going to mark the food innovation path are presented […]

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tecnologia marine view

Marine View: Smart Fishing

The company Marine Instruments developed and currently markets this solution, in whose development and continuous improvement AZTI collaborates. This tool offers an integrated solution that allows oceanographic information and buoy data to be managed and thus identify the best fishing areas, saving time and fuel. MARINE VIEWTM is designed to minimise fishing effort, identifying fishing […]

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vehiculo marino autonomo


The company Branka Composites with AZTI’s expertise in Big Data has manufactured the ITSASDRONE. It is an autonomous sea surface drone for long term missions on the sea surface, capable of carrying out different tasks operating autonomously, by means of an automated remote control with radio or satellite communication. It is a drone that operates […]

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plato de bacalao

Cod genetic identification

Through DNA analysis, AZTI has developed a molecular method that in a few minutes (compared to the necessary hours of other genetic methods) allows to identify the presence of cod in fish products, fresh, frozen and processed. Benefits for your company / product Obtain quality standards demanded by consumers. Supplier control. Production process control. Avoid […]

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matxitxako moluskoak produccion de mejillones de acuicultura

Matxitxako Moluskoak: open sea mussel in the Bay of Biscay

The research carried out by AZTI, an expert centre in marine and food innovation, in the field of mussel breeding and marketing, has led to the creation of the company Matxitxako Moluscos S.L. This is the first business initiative for the production of open sea mussels in the waters of the Bay of Biscay and […]

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Ingredients from microorganisms obtained by fermentation

The production of microalgae and mushrooms from process water or food by-products is an alternative for the recovery of by-products obtained from the fermentation process, while allowing ingredients and compounds derived from these biomasses to be obtained with high added value applications in food (human and animal), cosmetics, pharmaceuticals or agriculture. At AZTI, we work […]

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Panga genetic identification

Recent studies have revealed that the Panga is one of the species most frequently found substituting fraudulently toothers of greater value such as cod, grouper, sole, hake etc Through DNA analysis, AZTI has developed a molecular method that in a few minutes (compared to the necessary hours of other genetic methods) allows to identify the […]

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Sustainability indicator set

Although local consumption is not yet comparable with conventional consumption, its interest is growing exponentially in recent years. However, despite the fact that many initiatives and certifications promote and communicate the value and quality of local products, many food products from the ACBC, such as cheese, beans or potatoes, compete at a disadvantage with global […]

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Guide to good environmental practices in the food industry

Nowadays, the rational use of natural resources and the preservation of the environment are becoming an important factor in competitiveness, especially in the food sector, where the main raw material is living resources, both animal and vegetable. It is essential that, as members of a food company, but also as citizens, we know and assume […]

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mujeres trabajando conservera

Cleaner production guidelines (various sectors)

Over the years and within the framework of different research projects, it has created various methodological and operational guidelines for the food sector, in terms of eco-efficiency management or Cleaner Production, developed from the perspective of generating economic, environmental and safety value, as well as provoking training processes and labour competencies through training and knowledge […]

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ecodiseno de alimentos

Food Ecodesign Guide

AZTI has prepared a Food Ecodesign Guide with the aim of providing the food sector with a tool to make products more competitive, a practical manual that covers all the steps necessary for food products to reduce their environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle, from production to disposal. The use of the Ecodesign Guide […]

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Guide to the recovery of aquaculture by-products

The objective of this guide is to bring the agents of the aquaculture value chain closer to the existing options for the best use of their by-products and thus promote sustainable aquaculture. In this way, it is intended to encourage the efficient use of resources by promoting innovation and knowledge transfer in the field of […]

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Aquaculture Waste Minimisation Guide

Reducing the volume of by-products and waste generated in aquaculture and, therefore, the problems associated with their management, increasing productivity and improving the use of natural resources, contributing to increasing the long-term sustainability of aquaculture activity, is the objective of the ‘Guide to Minimising Aquaculture By-Products and Waste’ drawn up by AZTI for the Spanish […]

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GISWASTE decision support tool for the valorisation of food by-products

The tool implements the AHP and GIS method to assess the main parameters involved the feasibility of implementing a plan for the recovery of food by-products Create scenarios with the food waste generators that reach the minimum values established for the technical criteria (net scenarios). Geographically optimizes the location of the treatment plant and the […]

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Feed ingredients, additives and correctors from food by-products

We provide feed companies with new safe, competitive and sustainable raw materials as a source of protein, amino acids, fibre, fat, fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, etc. for pet food, livestock and/or aquaculture. In this way, we contribute to the sustainable and competitive development of a sector that is highly dependent on the large international raw […]

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Water reuse systems: 3 Barrier System

We are promoting the use of a method and operating system to minimise waste discharge through implementing water saving measures at three levels: 1st Barrier: Actions on specific production processes to prevent matter loss, while saving water. 2nd Barrier: Hygienic solid and fat retention in the process through specific technologies and systems which enable recovery […]

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Food prototypes from whey recovery

All products have the maximum whey content in the formulation and can be labelled as a “source of protein”. A sliced and shredded milk preparation, a sauce with the taste and aroma of aged cheese, a drink with fruit juice and a soluble cocoa product are the prototypes ready to be transferred to companies. Benefits […]

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Evaluación y mejora ergonómica en los procesos de la industria alimentaria

Trabajamos en el estudio y optimización ergonómica de los procesos manuales que puedan afectar a la salud del trabajador (clasificación manual de materias primas y productos, envasado y paletización manual, etc.) para la prevención de trastornos músculo-esqueléticos de origen laboral. SECTORES DE APLICACIÓN Esta metodología es aplicable a toda la cadena alimentaria: Sector primario; Industria […]

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Estudios comparativos y/o de validación de tecnologías para la valorización de subproductos alimentarios

Realizamos estudios comparativos de diferentes tecnologías para la obtención de un determinado producto y comparamos los resultados obtenidos para, junto con el cliente, seleccionar la tecnología que más se adecúe a sus necesidades. Validación de tecnologías para garantizar el cumplimiento de los requisitos técnicos y de mercado, así como los legislativos y ambientales de las […]

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Estrategias integrales para la mejora en la gestión y puesta en valor de los subproductos alimentarios a nivel sectorial y/o regional

Apoyamos a la industria alimentaria en su desarrollo sostenible y competitivo, aplicando medidas para la mejora de su actuación ambiental y su desarrollo económico y social a través de una mejora en la gestión y puesta en valor de sus subproductos alimentarios. Estudiamos desde la segregación y almacenamiento en origen de sus subproductos alimentarios, la […]

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On-Board energy control System

A control System that allows to monitor how energy is generated and consumed on board hybrid-propelled vessels and which, in turn, through various indicators, allows analyzing the carbon footprint of the vessel according to its activity. The System includes a platform that allows to register, measure and calculate the data from different sources. Through the […]

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herramienta neat gestion ambiental

NEAT software (Nested Environmental status Assessment Tool)

NEAT (Nested Environmental status Assessment Tool) is a free software used to evaluate the environmental status of the marine environment, in principle within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), but it can also be used to assess impacts in the sea (such as the effects of human activities on marine diversity, and variations caused by […]

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Biodegradable fish aggregating devices (FADs)

AZTI has been coordinating various scientific-technical advisory projects for both the fishing industry and public bodies: The search for and use of different designs and specific biodegradable materials for the construction of drifting DCPs in real conditions at sea. The identification of options to mitigate the impacts of drifting FADs on the ecosystem. Assessing the […]

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Software: FLBEIA (BIO – Economic impact assessment using FLR)

AZTI has developed FLBEIA which is a bio-economic simulation toolbox describing the whole fishery system. It allows assessing the bio-economic performance of fisheries management strategies before they are put in place. It is built under a management strategy evaluation framework in R using FLR libraries. FLBEIA is open and free software (downloadable at http://flbeia.azti.es/download/) which […]

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tendencias alimentarias

EATrends 2016

AZTI identifies and presents world consumption trends that will have the largest impact on food over the next few years. Food trends show more health consciousness and environmental awareness, and the search for pleasure and entertainment. Current and future food products need to adapt to different lifestyles and to urban life and new consumption moments, […]

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zumos altas presiones tecnologia alimentaria

Cold pressed juices treated at High Pressure

Juice extraction is a key process, and it is important not to use methods which could add heat and affect the nutrients. That’s why Be&Be, with the technological advice of AZTI, uses cold pressing to extract juice from fruit and vegetables, which consists in using a hydraulic press to apply thousands of Pascals of pressure […]

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snacks deshidratados tecnologia alimentaria

Crunchy dried fruit and vegetables snacks

AZTI has developed for the company BuenOh! a range of dehydrated crunchy dried fruit and vegetable snacks, made from fresh seasonal products, completely natural and without additives. BuenOh! Snacks come in a 15 g bag, equivalent to a 150 g fresh fruit or vegetables.

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tecnologia alimentaria

Paturpat: 5th range potato products

AZTI has supported the agricultural cooperative UDAPA to create a 5th range potato product company, Paturpat. The technology centre has provided the required knowledge and processes to create a basic consumption product that reinforces its added value through its processing, nutritional value, and high sensory quality. Paturpat develops ready-to-eat products within what is known as the […]

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Fried ready-to-serve Gernika peppers

The connection between the knowledge of raw materials that Garaia Cooperative has, and AZTI’s experience and knowledge in food technologies and processes, has allowed a new convenience product to be developed, making it easier to eat Eusko Label Gernika peppers. Gernika peppers fried in extra virgin olive oil are packaged in a tray with 18 units, and are […]

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Ready-to-eat gildas with anchovy

ZUBELZU PIPARRAK launched a novel product in 2012: ready-to-eat CLASSIC ZUBELZU GILDAS with anchovy. The Gilda is a very traditional appetiser (pintxo) from the Basque Country, and in the past the only way to enjoy it was to prepare it fresh each time, but ZUBELZU PIPARRAK in collaboration with AZTI has succeeded in finding the formula […]

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Range of peeled and chopped ready-to-eat fruit

AZTI has collaborated with Fribasa to develop a range of clean, peeled and chopped fruit that is ready-to-eat and packaged in individual portions; AZTI supported the company in designing the product range and designing the fruit preparation and preservation process which ensures its organoleptic quality and safety is maintained as long as possible without adding […]

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innovación en alimentación: cafe con til ay melisa

Innovating with coffee: decaffeinated coffee with linden flower and lemon balm

Café Fortaleza and AZTI – a collaborative centre in the search for innovative products – have developed a pioneering product in the global coffee sector: decaffeinated coffee with linden flower and lemon balm which provides the functional benefits of these natural components, while conserving the organoleptic properties of the coffee, mainly aroma, flavour and original […]

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Low-salt anchovies

The canning company Grupo Consorcio and AZTI have developed a pioneering product on the market: anchovy fillets in oil with fifty percent less salt content. That is, the anchovies are preserved in a similar way to traditional ones, and they have the same appearance, texture and aroma, but with a less intensely salty taste. Low-salt […]

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Healthy & Delices: a line of healthy products for the senior audience

AZTI and the catering group Eurest (through their Medirest brand) have developed a new line of dishes aimed at improving elderly people’s diets. A series of recipes have been developed through the “Healthy&Delices” solution (starters, main courses and desserts), which provide the nutrients required for the body to function properly in a controlled way with excellent […]

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Beta-glucan rich bread which lowers blood cholesterol

AZTI, together with Artadi Alimentación, have achieved industrial-scale white bread dough production with oat β-glucans (beta-glucans) which lower blood cholesterol. The formula was optimised to suit industrial processing conditions for mass scale commercialisation. All of these have achieved taste quality and sponginess which are characteristic of white bread in loaf format. AZTI has solved difficulties […]

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Fish species genetic identification

Using a PCR-sequencing genetic identification method, in AZTI we are able to identify beyond any doubt the different fish species in fresh, frozen and even processed fish products (preserves, surimis, etc.). In just 24 hours, with our method accredited by ENAC, we authenticate tuna canned under the “white tuna” and “light tuna” name and we […]

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Authentication of canned tuna in 24 hours

AZTI researchers have developed a new genetic method (based on DNA analysis) that allows canned tuna to be authenticated in just 24 hours (compared to the various days that other systems need), including “white tuna” and “light tuna” varieties. This system has been accredited by ENAC according to ISO 17025 and provides fast, reliable and conclusive results. This is a […]

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Genetic identification of anchovies from the Bay of Biscay

AZTI and the University of the Basque Country have managed to genetically identify anchovies from the Bay of Biscay, meaning that fresh and semi-preserved specimens can be differentiated from specimens from other areas. The genetic analysis is essential in establishing the traceability of Cantabrian anchovies, meaning that consumers are able to confirm that the product […]

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Idiazabal cheese identification (Protected Designation of Origin-PDO)

The identification of breed differentiation DNA markers allows to verify if the milk used in production belongs to Latxa or Carranza sheep breeds or, on the contrary, if other breeds have been used. This genetic identification can be carried out both in milk and cheese, and it is very useful to control PDO Idiazabal cheese […]

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Detecting mixtures of meat

Verifying the animal species present in food products through analytical methods is a growing need for the food industry and official control organisms. AZTI can detect mixtures or replacements of high-value meat with other lower-value food products by using real time PCR systems; the percentages of each species declared on the label are identified, and […]

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Anemona- incrustante-amarilla-fondo-marino-ambi

AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index)

DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE AZTI has developed diverse methods for the assessment of the ecological and environmental status of the marine environment. These include AMBI and M-AMBI (multivariate-AMBI) tools to determine the state of soft-bottom macroinvertebrate communities. This software application (downloadable at ambi.azti.es, and containing a list of almost 12.000 species all over the world) allows the […]

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herramienta neat gestion ambiental

NEAT (Nested Environmental Status Assessment Tool)

NEAT (Nested Environmental status Assessment Tool) is a free software that serves to assess the environmental status of the marine environment, in principle within the European Marine Strategy Directive (EMD) but can be used to assess impacts at sea (whether they are the effects of human activities on marine biodiversity, such as variations due to […]

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