Precision nutrition and personalised diet

Precision nutrition for product innovation. Solutions for a personalised diet.

We are working on precision nutrition, which is understood to be the adaptation of food to the specific needs of the individual for the innovation and creation of a variety of healthy products. In this respect, we use cell membrane lipidomics (latest generation blood analysis that reveals which nutrients our body needs and in which proportion for its proper functioning) to determine the specific nutritional requirements of population groups. We are working with hospitals to carry out clinical nutrition trials.

We have a database that collects information related to the molecular (membrane lipidomics), microbiota, sensorial, preference and psycho-sociological profiles of different population groups. Through Big Data, at AZTI, we are capable of carrying out new consumer segmentation through the generation of new population profiles.

Furthermore, an inter-disciplinary team is working to innovate in new products that enable the consumer to personalise his/her diet. In our developments, we bear in mind people with organoleptic, nutritional and specific health requirements based on their age (senior citizens, children…), special conditions (athletes, pregnant women…) or illnesses (diabetics, people suffering from allergies, intolerances, those at risk of heart disease, cancer patients, cognitive deterioration, Alzheimer’s…).

We also develop digital solutions (such as mobile apps), customized in many cases and always based on scientific evidence, which can be of great use in guiding people to adopt healthier habits and more appropriate to their needs.

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