EIT Food Biosensors Professional Development Course

Are you a profesional involved in the quality control of food products or someone with experience and good knowledge in food safety control? If you answered yes, this training in Rapid Methods for the Detection of Chemical Contamination in Food is for you! Apply now to learn about rapid methods for monitoring chemicals contaminants in […]


EIT Food Training Session DNA Analysis – Fast and Portable Methods

Learn how to use innovative rapid and portable DNA analysis tools that can be easily implemented in routine analysis to verify products’ authenticity. This training in portable DNA analysis will introduce participants to innovative rapid and portable DNA analysis tools for species and ingredients verification. The programme will include: Insights into food fraud and possible […]


EIT Food SmartTags

Smart labels to increase consumer confidence and transparency in the food chain.

etiquetas inteligentes para aumentar la confianza de los consumidores


High nutritional and sensory quality food innovations for the promotion of senior health.


Increasing consumer trust in the food system inspiring citizens to become change agents as amateur scientists.

material de laboratorio para analisis

EIT Food4Health

Tackling muscle loss in cancer patients through nutrition solutions and lifestyle interventions


Increasing consumer trust and support for the food supply chain and for food companies


Application of fungi protein in the development of sustainable and healthy food products.


Plant Extract for Reduced-sugar Foods, including Extruded Cereals, bars & biscuits, using innovative processing Technologies.


A new program for ambitious teams of students who want to be engage in solving industrial problems


A global, digital platform that creates and shares its content on the latest food and agricultural innovations.


Campylobacter-Specific Nullification via Innovative Phage-mediated Enteropathogen Reduction


The development of organic supply chains that drive fair, transparent and healthy options for the consumer


Food Fortress for raw materials and ingredients in Europe – Gaining Consumer trust through transparency of the supply chain

EIT Food Accelerator Network FAN

A multi-location accelerator programme delivered across Europe, to support high impact agrifood startups to maximise their success.


Integrate solutions to improve eating habits and reduce food wastage in preschool and schoolchildren


Improving trust on fishchain: Rapid and portable monitoring tools for a better control of whitefish


The future of food: the answer lies in science

By Carolina Najar, Food Market Value Director at AZTI We have been in permanent transformation for some time now and the impacts we have in virtually all sectors come from global casuistry. Food is undoubtedly and has always been an essential sector. But it is becoming increasingly complex to respond to rapid population growth and […]


Podcast: Bacteriophages. How to achieve efficient and sustainable food security?

The spread of antibiotic resistance and diseases caused by the presence of pathogens in food represent a global threat that affects human health, as well as animal health, agriculture, food safety and the environment. Globalization and climate change increase the risk of bacterial contamination, and the improper and excessive use of antibiotics, among other factors, […]


FOOD4SENIOR: What have we learnt about senior food needs?

FOOD4SENIOR is an EIT Food co-funded project that aimed to develop innovative value-added fish, meat and plant-based products for European senior consumers. Below we explain the main highlights of the project. Senior citizens have special food needs Over 65 years citizens represent the single fastest growing demographic group in Europe (30% of people will be […]

Food for senior citizens

Is food labelled as vegan really vegan? What about Halal or Kosher food?

AZTI leads EthiChain, an EIT Food funded project focused on the development and validation of an innovative rapid DNA analysis systems to allow verification of presence of unwanted species in food with ethical concerns (vegan, Halal and Kosher) Obtained results will be digitized and directly integrated into company´s traceability system The EthiChain turning point solution will […]

Soluciones para deteccion de fraude alimentario

Alternative protein sources: a key research area for food sustainability

Feeding the world’s population is a growing challenge, so research into alternative protein sources will play a key role for the food industry. CLARA TALENS and MÓNICA IBARGÜEN , New Food Researchers It is often said, but it is a reality for which we have to find how to adapt: feeding the nearly 10 billion […]

proteínas alternativas sostenibilidad allimentaria

EIT iFishCan

Intelligent waste & loss monitoring test bed for the Fish Can industry

Banco de pruebas de control inteligente de residuos y pérdidas para la industria de latas de pescado

How to handle and cook food to preserve its nutrients?

MERCEDES CARO, MÓNICA IBARGUEN and ANA BARANDA. Experts in food processing. AZTI The nutritional value of food is almost always altered by the type of processing it undergoes. Eating cooked food helps facilitate the digestion process and facilitates the absorption of many nutrients. However, it can also reduce the levels of some vitamins and minerals. […]

cocinar los alimentos en casa

High pressure to produce healthier food with cleaner label

The AZTI technology centre has worked on the development of a technological solution for preserving high-viscosity liquid food products in healthier and more natural conditions. The first pilot prototype, created within the framework of the European underPRESSURE project, is located at AZTI’s facilities, available to companies that wish to test the technology. Funded by EIT […]


Food retailers winning trust through COVID-19 pandemic

Farmers also saw boost in consumer trust as one in four European consumers had greater faith in the food industry The AZTI technology centre, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Autonomous University of Madrid have been the Spanish partners in research Bilbao, December 18, 2020. Consumers are more trusting in the food industry […]


Food Fashion Festival Bilbao

What will the food of the future be like? What role do citizens play in food innovation? How can science make food safer, more sustainable and healthier? In order to answer these questions starts the #FoodFashionFestival, an event that seeks to bring all the flavors of food innovation to the public through an interesting proposal […]


Development and acceleration of economic sectors

The future of food lies in a new wave of innovation that is already underway and is here to stay. It has spawned thousands of foodtech startups that are causing a revolution in the food and beverage industry, a key pillar of the global economy. According to the annual study by accelerator Eatable Adventures entitled […]


AVRAMAR, GRUPO CALVO, CAMPOMAYOR, HARIVENASA and KAIKU, pioneers in sustainability, seek to reduce their environmental impact by testing ENVIROSCORE environmental labelling

Top companies in the food industry are leading the sustainable transition through the development of projects to calculate the environmental impact of products, such as ENVIROSCORE.  The  system developed by the AZTI technology centre and KU LEUVEN improves knowledge and transparency about the degree of sustainability of products. The ENVIROSCORE label, supported by science, has […]


Technology platforms, forums and networks

Technology platforms PLATAFORM PARTICIPATION FIELD EATIP. European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform Participation in Working Groups FOODTECH EFARO. European Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Organizations AZTI is a member of this platform, which brings together the research institutes responsible for fisheries management in European countries. SUSTAINABILITY EUROGOOS. European Global Ocean Observing System AZTI is a member […]

Consumer trust in catering and restaurant services grows post-pandemic

An international survey reveals that innovations in the catering and restaurants sector in the wake of the pandemic have boosted consumer confidence in the sector. Within the agri-food sector as a whole, agriculture continues to lead the way in terms of trust. Transparency technology based on blockchain tops the list of top-rated suggested solutions to […]

Confianza de los consumiodres

COACHILD: what lessons can we learn from the app to reduce childhood obesity?

Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health problems of our century, with prevalence increasing at an alarming rate. At nation level, 35% of children between ages 8 and 16 are over the recommended weight, of whom 20.7% are overweight and 14.2% obese, with those living in lower socio-economic families most affected. This, […]

Alimentación y salud infantil

Consumers and producers in favour of using phages as an alternative to antibiotics in the fight against Campylobacter in poultry

Phages or bacteriophages are organisms that infect and destroy target bacteria. The consumption of poultry food products has been commonly linked to Campylobacter infections, which generates a strong demand for novel strategies to control this pathogen from farm to table. The C-SNIPER project is devoted to the development of an innovative, natural, and efficient bacteriophage-based […]


Cancer and nutrition: what you eat can save your life

Cancer treatments can have adverse effects on eating. Many people with cancer experience symptoms such as dysphagia, loss of taste, bad taste in the mouth, metallic taste, mouth sores, vomiting, or loss of appetite at some point. These symptoms affect between 30-85% of patients undergoing cancer treatments, particularly those suffering from gastrointestinal tract cancers (oesophagus, […]

Hombre enciende horno para meter un vaso de agua a acalentar y tienen una encimera un sobre y un plato hondo

The proteins of the future: keys to making them known

Why is it important to promote and alternative proteins and make them known? What is the common ground between legislative experts, researchers, and representatives of the food industry? The development of alternative proteins has emerged as one of the main fields of food innovation in Europe. But are consumers ready to introduce new or unfamiliar […]

Columna con un cártel en el que pone planet earth first con un jardín de fondo

AZTI leads the development of an advanced biocontrol tool against Campylobacter in poultry.

Campylobacteriosis, the most frequently reported food-borne illness in Europe, with an associated average cost of 2,400 M€/year. The increase of antibiotic resistance makes it critical to develop novel non-antibiotic based strategies to reduce Campylobacter risk within the EU poultry sector. The C-SNIPER project is focused on the development and validation of an innovative, efficient and […]

About AZTI

Our distinctive role Contributing to the sustainability of life on the planet To improve people’s health To invigorate the business fabric and society To maintain and generate new quality employment Generate ideas to learn, transform and progress Promote strategic transformation projects with companies and institutions willing to take on challenges. Purpose, Mission, vision and values […]

BRTA Alliance discusses the role of technology and innovation in healthy eating

Around 30 experts in the field of healthy eating presented the work being done in the Basque Country. Healthy eating is an important area of research in the BRTA Alliance research centres. Derio, 16 July 2024. The meeting on healthy eating was held at AZTI with the participation of around 30 experts in the field […]


AZTI at F4F 2024. Stand

As co-organisers of Food 4 Future, where innovation, sustainability and digitalisation come together to shape the future of the food industry, at AZTI we are committed to continuing to lead the search for and development of cutting-edge solutions for the sector. This year we have focused the content of our stand on 5 key areas: […]

High impact scientific publications. Scientific articles published by AZTI in 2023

Scientific excellence, backed by the practical application of our research results, is the basis that positions our team as an international benchmark. This recognition translates into our outstanding participation as leading speakers in international forums and a consolidated presence in the main scientific committees linked to our research fields. It is also worth highlighting the […]


Destilerías y Biorefinerías Zambrana has developed the innovative ALCUVA project to use grape stalks to produce bioethanol and high quality animal feed

The study was carried out by the research team at AZTI. This project has generated a potential production of more than 200 tonnes of bioethanol per year from the stalks produced in the Rioja Alavesa region. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 22nd December 2023. Destilerías y Biorefinerías Zambrana, in collaboration with the team of technicians from the AZTI, has […]


Fisheries and the environment: towards a sustainable future

Mikel Basterretxea, Arkaitz Pedrajas, Esteban Puente and Estanis Mugerza. AZTI experts in fisheries technology There is a close relationship between the European Community Fisheries Policy (CFP), which aims to achieve sustainable fisheries in environmental, economic and social terms, and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), which aims to protect and conserve the marine environment. The […]



Developing transparency solutions for transforming the food system.

Transparency in the european food system

Phantom networks. 4 keys to understand the problem and the potential solution

ELSA CUENDE, expert on fishing technologies at AZTI. ‘Phantom nets’ are fishing nets that are lost or left behind during fishing. How do they affect the ecosystem and species, and what can be done to reduce their occurrence? We tell you. 1. How and why do fishing nets go to sea? How long does it […]


Four AZTI women researchers are among the top 5,000 in Spain

Four AZTI women researchers are among the top 5,000 women working in Spanish institutions. This is according to the study carried out by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in its first ranking of the 5,000 Spanish and foreign women scientists doing research in Spanish organisations. This ranking has been carried out according to the […]

Ranking cientificas destacadas

We don’t have to save the Planet, we have a responsibility to make the world a better, more sustainable and healthier place – Analysis of the Glasgow Climate Summit

ROGELIO POZO, CEO of AZTI and GUILLEM CHUST, head of the Climate Change area in Oceans and Coasts at AZTI. After a Climate Summit in Glasgow with more expectations than relevant agreements, many unknowns remain as to how the international response will be to the climate challenges facing the planet. Rogelio Pozo and Guillem Chust […]

Restpuesta al cambio climatico

A Full Picture of the Origine and Nature of Ocean Litter

New study published in Nature Sustainability provides the first complete diagnosis of the origin and nature of the litter dumped into the ocean. The collaboration between research institutions and NGOs from 10 countries has allowed the identification of the most polluting products for the main aquatic ecosystems on a global scale, a much-needed information for […]

origen basura oceanos


Producing advanced bio-based fertilizers from fisheries wastes.

Eating insects is not for me

One in four people in Spain are not willing to cut back on consumption of red meat and most are absolutely sure that insects are not a protein source they want to consume, indicates a study conducted by AZTI The survey of the eating preferences of 1,500 European consumers is part of the European Future […]


Forefront technology fighting Campylobacter in poultry

Campylobacteriosis is the most frequently reported food-borne illness in Europe, and the increase of antibiotic resistance makes it critical to develop novel non-antibiotic based strategies to reduce Campylobacter risk within the EU poultry sector. C‑SNIPER has developed an innovative and natural solution, based on the use of bacteriophages, for the biocontrol of Campylobacter in the […]

gallinas y gallos

AZTI has developed a genetic method to identify the origin of bluefin tuna specimens, to improve the management and promoting the conservation of the species

The technology centre has coordinated this research that enables the development of a pioneering tool to discover the origin of the specimens of this species for an improved management and sustainability. The results of the study, led by AZTI researchers, Naiara Rodríguez Ezpeleta and Haritz Arrizabalaga, have been published in the prestigious scientific journal, Frontiers […]


Comprehensive global analysis shows a warmer ocean will hold lower animal abundance

Climate change will affect the distribution and abundance of marine life, but the full extent of these changes under future warming has been difficult to predict due to the limitations of individual ecosystem models used for such forecasts. However, by combining such models, a more complete picture can emerge. Reporting in the Proceedings of the […]



Prevention and Integral management of high polluted effluents from Food SMES to urban sanitation systems



Promote the effective implementation of the Product Environmental Footprint in the Mediterranean aquaculture sector

mejora ambiental acuicultura