Fishmap y FSLP: Software Predicción de Vida Útil
The Fish Shelf Life Prediction Program (FSLP) and “FISHMAP” program are property of AZTI and had been developed by the Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK in collaboration with AZTI.

The software developed “FISHMAP” allows the prediction and the visualization of growth of spoilage bacteria in fish product under modified atmosphere packed (MAP) with different concentration of carbón dioxide (CO2) at constant and fluctuating temperaturas. Moreover, the program includes the prediction of growth of spoilage bacteria under air conditions. The spoilage bacteria included in this program are: Carnobacterium maltaromaticum; Serratia proteamaculans; Shewanella báltica; Yersinia intermedia; Mixed bacteria
Furthermore, the software allows the graphical comparison of experimental growth microbiological data with the respective microbial growth model at either constant or fluctuating temperature. Optionally, the predictions and plots can be saved as an Excel workbook. The predictive models are based on experimental data of bacterial growth obtained at AZTI under different ambient conditions: temperature interval between 0-20 ºC; under CO2 enriched atmospheres and under air condition.
The software developed “Fish Shelf Life Prediction Program-FSLP” allows the prediction and the visualization of sensory acceptability, growth of spoilage bacteria in farmed turbot products and the response of time-temperature integrators (TTIs) at constant and fluctuating temperature conditions. Moreover, the software allows the graphical comparison of experimental microbiological, sensory and TTIs data with the respective model at either constant or fluctuating temperature. Optionally, the predictions and plots can be saved as an Excel workbook. The predictive models are based on experimental data obtained at AZTI with farmed turbot within a temperature interval between 0-15 ºC.