Preference map: know the consumer of your products
This tool makes it possible to link consumer preferences with the physico-chemical, sensory or economic characteristics of products.

At AZTI, we have market research techniques to help the food industry understand consumer needs and preferences.
One of these techniques is the Preference Map, which relates consumer preferences to product characteristics. It is a very useful tool that links consumer preferences with the physico-chemical, sensory or economic characteristics of products, an essential approach for marketing and R&D teams to adapt products to consumer tastes and identify new market niches.
To this end, we have panels of experts trained to evaluate a wide variety of products on a sensory level and panels of consumers segmented according to different profiles, which allows us to work directly under the needs of companies, reducing the time it takes to obtain results.
Benefits for your company/product
- Identification of new market niches by segmenting consumers into groups with similar preferences.
- Identification of the sensory attributes that have the greatest influence on consumer tastes.
- Improved prediction of the success of new product launches or product improvements.
- Guidance on improving formulations and designing new products using sensory characterisation and consumer feedback as a guide.
- Optimising advertising campaigns and maximising the impact of branding.