Marga Andrés - AZTI

Marga Andrés

Researcher. Sustainable Fisheries Management

Integrated assessment of living resources, human activities and marine spatial planning, aquaculture, sustainable fishing technologies, ecosystem approach to management


Txatxarramendi ugartea z/g 48395 - Sukarrieta (Bizkaia) Spain


Margarita Andrés
Background: Bachelor in Economics by the University of Basque Country (Spain) in 2004, with a master on “Applied statistics and statistics for the Public Sector” by the University of Alcalá (Spain) in 2005. She worked in Santander Bank as a Junior Researcher in 2005 and 2006 studying the microeconomic of some areas of Spain; in 2006 she worked in Tragsatec studying and analysing the State aid granted under Commission Regulation to the Spanish fishery sector at the Spanish Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Socio-economic fisheries; Bioeconomic models; Aquaculture.

Experience in AZTI: She has been worked in several EU funded fisheries projects and tenders Forage fish Interactions (FACTs) , Socio Economic Effects of Management Measures of the future CFP (SOCIEC), Assessment of overcapacity in EU fisheries (Mare/2009/03 Lot 1). She is also invited to the STECF expert working group related to the anchovy stock management and fleet behavior. She is involved in several projects related to the aquaculture economics. She is also a part of the team of FLBEIA (
