Inpaktu handiko argitalpen zientifikoak. AZTIk 2023an argitaratutako artikulu zientifikoak
Azken berriak
Klima-aldaketa eta trantsizio ekologikoari buruzko euskarazko lehen hiztegia eskuragarri, AZTIren laguntzarekin
AZTIk bi itsaspeko autonomo gehitu ditu euskal kostaldea behatzeko sarera, itsas ekosistemei eragiten dieten prozesuak aztertzeko
AZTIk lehen aldiz markatu du marrazo muturluze bat Bizkaiko golkoan, hura kontserbatzen lagunduko duen proiektu baten esparruan
Bikaintasun zientifikoa, gure ikerketaren emaitzen aplikazio praktikoak babestua, gure taldea nazioarteko erreferente gisa kokatzen duen oinarria da. Aintzatespen horren ondorioz, nazioarteko foroetan erreferentziazko hizlari gisa parte hartu dugu, eta presentzia sendoa izan dugu gure ikerketa-eremuei lotutako batzorde zientifiko nagusietan.
Azpimarratzekoa da, halaber, indexatutako argitalpen zientifikoen kopuru handia: 2023an, indexatutako 120 argitalpen inguru daude urtean, eta horietatik % 75 baino gehiago lehen kuartileko aldizkarietan daude. Kalitateari dagokionez, hitzordu kopuruak gora egiten jarraitzen du erregularki: 30 hitzordu baino gehiago argitalpen bakoitzeko, eta 6.000 hitzordu baino gehiago AZTIk aurten.
Hauek dira AZTIko ikertzaileek 2023an argitaratutako artikulu zientifikoak.
Online argitaratze-data | Erreferentzia |
19/11/2022 | What is behind a facial emoji? The effects of context, age, and gender on children?s understanding of emoji. da Quinta N, Santa Cruz E, Rios Y, Alfaro B, Martinez de Maranon I. Food Quality and Preference 2023, 105. |
26/11/2022 | Ecological status of macrobenthic communities in the Saudi waters of the western Arabian Gulf. V. Joydas T, Qurban MA, Borja A, Manokaran S, Manikandan KP, Rabaoui LJ, Garmendia JM, Asharaf TTM, Ayranci K, Shemsi AM, et al. Regional Studies in Marine Science 2023, 57. |
05/12/2022 | Identification and applicability of emoji appropriate to describe food experiences in child-centred studies: A comparison between food names and images. da Quinta N, Rios Y, Baranda A, Martinez de Marañon I. Food Quality and Preference 2023, 105. |
05/12/2022 | Species acclimatization pathways: Latitudinal shifts and timing adjustments to track ocean warming. Chust G, Taboada FG, Alvarez P, Ibaibarriaga L. Ecological Indicators 2023, 146. |
14/12/2022 | Economic and social impacts of the landing obligation of the European Common Fisheries Policy: A review. Prellezo R, Villasante S. Marine Policy 2023, 148:105437. |
22/12/2022 | Growth patterns of two Red Sea mesopelagic fishes. Aldanondo N, Kaartvedt S, Irigoien X. Marine Biology 2023, 170. |
01/01/2023 | Apoptosis and autophagy-related gene transcription during ovarian follicular atresia in European hake (Merluccius merluccius). Nzioka A, Valencia A, Atxaerandio-Landa A, Diaz de Cerio O, Amzad Hossain M, Korta M, Ortiz-Zarragoitia M, Cancio I. Marine Environmental Research 2023, 183. |
01/01/2023 | Anticipating fluctuations of bigeye tuna in the Pacific Ocean from three-dimensional ocean biogeochemistry. Taboada FG, Park J-Y, Muhling BA, Tommasi D, Tanaka KR, Rykaczewski RR, Stock CA, Sarmiento JL. Journal of Applied Ecology 2023, 60:463-479. |
01/01/2023 | Correction of beam overlap-induced athwart distortion in multibeam sonars. Boyra G, Martinez U, Uranga J, Moreno G, Pena H. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2023, 80:197-209. |
06/01/2023 | Robust identification of potential habitats of a rare demersal species (blackspot seabream) in the Northeast Atlantic. De Cubber L, Trenkel VM, Diez G, Gil-Herrera J, Pabon AMN, Eme D, Lorance P. Ecological Modelling 2023, 477. |
11/01/2023 | Natural deep eutectic solvents as a green extraction of polyphenols from spent coffee ground with enhanced bioactivities. Garcia-Roldan A, Piriou L, Jauregi P. Frontiers in Plant Science 2023, 13. |
11/01/2023 | Priorities for synthesis research in ecology and environmental science. Halpern BS, Boettiger C, Dietze MC, Gephart JA, Gonzalez P, Grimm NB, Groffman PM, Gurevitch J, Hobbie SE, Komatsu KJ, Valle M et al. Ecosphere 2023, 14:e4342. |
12/01/2023 | Investigating the Applicability of Ichthyoplanktonic Indices in Better Understanding the Dynamics of the Northern Stock of the Population of Atlantic Hake Merluccius merluccius (L.). Alvarez, P., Garcia, D., Cotano, U. Fishes 2023, 8(1). doi:10.3390/fishes8010050 |
17/01/2023 | Best BLAST hit alone cannot be used as evidence of fraud. Diaz-Arce N, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N. Scientific reports 2023, 13:905-905. |
19/01/2023 | Cebrián M, Ibarruri J: Filamentous fungi processing by solid-state fermentation. In Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Edited by Taherzadeh MJ, Ferreira JA, Pandey A: Elsevier; 2023: 251-292. |
23/01/2023 | Grand challenges in Ocean Sustainability. Borja A. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2023, 1. |
24/01/2023 | A horizon scan exercise for aquatic invasive alien species in Iberian inland waters. Oficialdegui FJ, Zamora-Marin JM, Guareschi S, Anastacio PM, Garcia-Murillo P, Ribeiro F, Miranda R, Cobo F, Gallardo B, Garcia-Berthou E, Franco Javier et al. The Science of the total environment 2023, 869:161798-161798. |
24/01/2023 | Cephalopods, a gap in the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and their future integration. Bobowski BTC, Power AM, Pierce GJJ, Moreno A, Iriondo A, Valeiras J, Sokolova IMM, Oesterwind D. Marine Biology 2023, 170. |
24/01/2023 | Minimising discards while taking revenue into account: Spatio-temporal assessment of catches in an artisanal shrimp trawl fishery in Peru. Mendo T, Ransijn JM, Gomez I, Gozzer-Wuest R, Paradinas I, James M, Mendo J. Fisheries Research 2023, 261. |
26/01/2023 | Natural Killers: Opportunities and Challenges for the Use of Bacteriophages in Microbial Food Safety from the One Health Perspective. Lavilla M, Domingo-Calap P, Sevilla-Navarro S, Lasagabaster A. Foods (Basel, Switzerland) 2023, 12. |
31/01/2023 | Impaired Function of Solute Carrier Family 19 Leads to Low Folate Levels and Lipid Droplet Accumulation in Hepatocytes. Cano A, Vazquez-Chantada M, Conde-Vancells J, Gonzalez-Lahera A, Mosen-Ansorena D, Blanco FJJ, Clement K, Aron-Wisnewsky J, Tran A, Gual P, et al. Biomedicines 2023, 11. |
02/02/2023 | Implications for the global tuna fishing industry of climate change-driven alterations in productivity and body sizes. Erauskin-Extramiana M, Chust G, Arrizabalaga H, Cheung WWL, Santiago J, Merino G, Fernandes-Salvador JA. Global and Planetary Change 2023, 222:104055. |
08/02/2023 | Shellfish relaying on longlines in the open sea: A note. Zorita I, Solaun O, Rodriguez JG. Aquaculture, Fish and Fisheries 2023, 3:211-216. |
09/02/2023 | Lessons learnt on the management of short-lived fish from the Bay of Biscay anchovy case study: Satisfying fishery needs and sustainability under recruitment uncertainty. Uriarte A, Ibaibarriaga L, Sánchez-Maroño S, Abaunza P, Andrés M, Duhamel E, Jardim E, Pawlowski L, Prellezo R, Roel BA. Marine Policy 2023, 150:105512. |
13/02/2023 | Improving sustainable practices in tuna purse seine fish aggregating device (FAD) fisheries worldwide through continued collaboration with fishers. Murua J, Moreno G, Dagorn L, Itano D, Hall M, Murua H, Restrepo V. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
14/02/2023 | Integrating economics into fisheries science and advice: progress, needs, and future opportunities. Thébaud O, Nielsen JR, Motova A, Curtis H, Bastardie F, Blomqvist GE, Daurès F, Goti L, Holzer J, Innes J, Murillas A, Prellezo R et al. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2023. |
14/02/2023 | Impacts of human activities on the supply of marine ecosystem services: A conceptual model for offshore wind farms to aid quantitative assessments. Van de Pol L, Van der Biest K, Taelman SE, De Luca Peña L, Everaert G, Hernandez S, Culhane F, Borja A, Heymans JJ, Van Hoey G, et al. Heliyon 2023, 9:e13589. |
16/02/2023 | Methodology design to apply automatic facial coding and SCR measure with context information during the observation, olfaction, manipulation, and consumption of liquid foods. da Quinta N, Baranda A, Ríos Y, Llorente R, Naranjo AB, Martinez de Marañon I. Science Talks 2023, 5:100155. |
16/02/2023 | Optimization of Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Sheep’s Milk Semi-Hard Cheese Wedges during Refrigerated Storage: Physicochemical and Sensory Properties. Albisu M, Nieto S, Martinez O, Bustamante MA, Barron LJR, Najera AI. Foods 2023, 12. |
21/02/2023 | The economic performance of the EU fishing fleet during the COVID-19 pandemic. Carpenter G, Carvalho N, Guillen J, Prellezo R, Villasante S, Andersen JL, Mravlje EA, Berkenhagen J, Brigaudeau C, Burke B, et al. Aquatic Living Resources 2023, 36. |
23/02/2023 | Rational Food Design Targeting Micronutrient Deficiencies in Adolescents: Nutritional, Acoustic-Mechanical and Sensory Properties of Chickpea-Rice Biscuits.Talens C, Garcia-Fontanals L, Fabregat P, Ibargüen M. Foods, vol. 12; 2023. |
28/02/2023 | Assessing the large-scale and long-term changes in the southern Gulf of Mexico benthic ecological status under natural and human-induced disturbances. Santibañez-Aguascalientes NA, Borja Á, Ardisson P-L. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2023, 283:108282. |
01/03/2023 | Assessing the ecological quality status of macrobenthic communities in a marine terminal of liquefied natural gas in Peru. Chunga-Llauce JA, Benavides MT, Borja A, Velez-Zuazo X, Vildoso B, Alonso A, Pacheco AS, Tasso V. Marine environmental research 2023, 185:105879-105879. |
01/03/2023 | Children’s physiological and behavioural response evoked by the observation, olfaction, manipulation, and consumption of food textures. Part 1: Liquid products. da Quinta N, Baranda A, Ríos Y, Llorente R, Naranjo AB, Martinez de Marañón I. Food Research International 2023, 165:112495. |
08/03/2023 | The Effect of Cinnamon and Ginger Spices on Anthocyanins in Sweetened Roselle Beverages. Omoarukhe ED, Harbourne N, Jauregi P. Beverages 2023, 9. |
09/03/2023 | Effect of Different Cold Storage Temperatures on the Evolution of Shucking Yield and Quality Properties of Offshore Cultured Japanese Oyster (<i>Magallana gigas</i>) Treated by High Pressure Processing (HPP). Puertolas E, Garcia-Munoz S, Caro M, Alvarez-Sabatel S. Foods 2023, 12. |
09/03/2023 | Making the objectively best choice for side-stream resources-Verification of debiasing method based on cognitive maps and attribute substitution. Schrøder SE,San Martin D, Foti G, Gutierrez M, Iñarra Chastagnol B, Nielsen JR, Larsen E. Food Science and Technology 2023, 3. |
14/03/2023 | Responses to organic pollutants in the tropical Pacific and subtropical Atlantic Oceans by pelagic marine bacteria. Vila-Costa M, Lundin D, Fernandez-Pinos M-C, Iriarte J, Irigoien X, Pina B, Dachs J. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2023, 11. |
17/03/2023 | Potential of CO<sub>2</sub> laser for food processing: Applications and challenges. Puertolas E, Perez I, Murgui X. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2023. |
21/03/2023 | Is there a limit to the potential effects of shortening lastridge ropes on the size selectivity of diamond mesh codends? Sistiaga M, Herrmann B, Brinkhof J, Larsen RB, Santos J, Stepputtis D, Brinkhof I, Jacques N, Cerbule K, Petetta A, Cuende Elsa, Kvalvik L, et al. Fisheries Research 2023, 262. |
23/03/2023 | Quantifying genetic differentiation and population assignment between two contingents of Atlantic mackerel<i> (Scomber</i><i> scombrus)</i> in the Northwest Atlantic. Bourret A, Smith A, Van Beveren E, Plourde S, Curti KL, Jansen T, Richardson DE, Castonguay M, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N, Parent GJ. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2023. |
28/03/2023 | Circular and lower impact mussel and seaweed aquaculture by a shift towards bio-based ropes. Arantzamendi L, Andrés M, Basurko OC, Suárez MJ. Reviews in Aquaculture 2023, n/a. |
04/04/2023 | Hybrid Spreadable Cheese Analogues with Faba Bean and Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) Flours: Optimisation Using Desirability-Based Mixture Design. Garcia-Fontanals, L., Llorente, R., Valderrama, J., Bravo, S., Talens, C. Foods 2023, 12(7), 1522. |
04/04/2023 | Concern about the human health implications of marine biodiversity loss is higher among less educated and poorer citizens: Results from a 14-country study in Europe. Davison SMC, White MP, Pahl S, Taylor T, Borja A, McMeel O, Kellett P, Roberts BR, Fleming LE. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
06/04/2023 | Enhancement of Biomass and Protein Production of Chlorella protothecoides in Heterotrophic Cultivation Using Expired Juices as Alternative Source of Nutrients for an Added-Value Biorefinery Scheme. Ibarruri, J., Manso, M., & Cebrián, M. Fermentation 2023, 9(4), 360. |
10/04/2023 | Smart tag packaging technologies: A qualitative investigation of consumers’ needs and expectations. Htun N-N, Wisniewska A, Nocella G, Santa Cruz E, Peracaula-Moner A, Vehmas K, Hakola L, Liczmanska-Kopcewicz K, Bridgett L, Verbert K. Packaging Technology and Science 2023, 36:595-613. |
13/04/2023 | Transcriptional Mechanisms of Thermal Acclimation in Prochlorococcus. Alonso-Sáez, L., Palacio, A. S., Cabello, A. M., Robaina-Estévez, S., González, J. M., Garczarek, L., López-Urrutia, Á. mBio 2023, 0(0), e03425-03422. |
13/04/2023 | Characterization of the heteropolysaccharides produced by Liquorilactobacillus sicerae CUPV261 and Secundilactobacillus collinoides CUPV237 isolated from cider*. Puertas AI, Llamas-Arriba MG, Etxebeste O, Berregi I, Pardo MA, Prieto A, Lopez P, Duenas T. International Journal of Food Microbiology 2023, 397. |
14/04/2023 | Life History Strategy of Maurolicus muelleri (Gmenlin, 1789) in the Bay of Biscay. Alvarez P, Korta M, Garcia D, Boyra G. Hydrobiology 2023, 2:289-310. |
14/04/2023 | A facultative mutualism facilitates European seagrass meadows. de Fouw J, Holmer M, Beca-Carretero P, Bostrom C, Brice J, Brun FG, Cruijsen PMJM, Govers LL, Garmendia JM, Meysick L, Pajusal L, Richir J, Robroek B, Valle Mireia, et al. Ecography 2023, 2023. |
17/04/2023 | Defining sustainable and precautionary harvest rates for data-limited short-lived stocks: a case study of sprat (<i>Sprattus sprattus</i>) in the English Channel. Walker ND, Ourens R, Ball JE, van der Kooij J, Uriarte A, White J, Carpi P, Schuchert P, Nash RDM. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2023. |
18/04/2023 | Modulation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene expression <i>ex vivo</i> in response to heat stress in chicken. Pawar SS, Kurade NP, Bhendarkar MP, Bhosale SV, Nirmale AV, Kochewad SA. Animal Biotechnology 2023. |
19/04/2023 | Anti-Steatotic Effects of Chlorella vulgaris, Nannochloropsis gaditana and Gracilaria vermiculophylla Algae Extracts in AML-12 Hepatocytes. González-Arceo, M., Trepiana, J., Aguirre, L., Ibarruri, J., Martínez-Sanz, M., Cebrián, M., . . . Gómez-Zorita, S. Nutrients 2023, 15(8), 1960. |
24/04/2023 | Evaluating the dependence of opportunistic Yellow-legged Gulls (<i>Larus michahellis</i>) on marine habitat and fishing discards. Zorrozua N, Granado I, Fernandes-Salvador JAA, Louzao M, Basterretxea M, Arizaga J. Ibis 2023. |
26/04/2023 | Evaluation of Valorisation Strategies to Improve Spent Coffee Grounds “Nutritional Value as an Ingredient for Ruminants” Diets. San Martin D, Ibarruri J, Luengo N, Ferrer J, García-Rodríguez A, Goiri I, Atxaerandio R, Medjadbi M, Zufía J, Sáez de Cámara E, Iñarra B. Animals 2023, 13:1477. |
29/04/2023 | A new approach to using Diffusive Gradient in Thin-films (DGT) labile concentration for Water Framework Directive chemical status assessment: adaptation of Environmental Quality Standard to DGT for cadmium, nickel and lead. Amouroux I, Gonzalez J-L, Guesdon S, Belzunce-Segarra MJ, Bersuder P, Bolam T, Caetano M, Correia Dos Santos M, Larreta J, Lebrun L, Marras B, Millan G V, McHugh B, Menchaca Iratxe, Menet-Nedelec F, Montero Natalia, Perceval O, Pierre-Duplessix O, Regan F, Rodriguez Jose German, Rodrigo Sanz M, Schintu M, White B, Zhang, H. Environmental Sciences Europe 2023, 35. |
02/05/2023 | Combining fishery data through integrated species distribution models. Paradinas I, Illian JB, Alonso-Fernaendez A, Pennino MG, Smout S. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2023. |
10/05/2023 | Biodegradable drifting fish aggregating devices: Current status and future prospects. Zudaire I, Moreno G, Murua J, Hamer P, Murua H, Tolotti MT, Roman M, Hall M, Lopez J, Grande M, et al. Marine Policy 2023, 153. |
16/05/2023 | Developing a science-based framework for the management of drifting Fish Aggregating Devices. Capello M, Merino G, Tolotti M, Murua H, Dagorn L. Marine Policy 2023, 153. |
23/05/2023 | Implementation of integrated ecosystem assessments in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea-conceptualizations, practice, and progress. Clay PM, Ferretti J, Bailey JL, Goti L, Dankel DJ, Santurtun M, Fuller J, Linke S, Schmidt J, Nielsen KN, et al. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2023, 80:1516-1528. |
26/05/2023 | Participatory-based bio-economic activity mapping of small-scale fisheries: towards holistic management in the Bay of Biscay. Murillas-Maza A, Mugerza E, Bachiller E, Errazkin LA, Louzao M. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2023, 80:1202-+. |
30/05/2023 | Understanding spatial effects in species distribution models. Paradinas I, Illian J, Smout S, Hewitt J. Plos One 2023, 18. |
01/06/2023 | An automated workflow to assess completeness and curate GenBank for environmental DNA metabarcoding: The marine fish assemblage as case study. Claver C, Canals O, de Amézaga LG, Mendibil I, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N. Environmental DNA 2023, 5:634-647. |
07/06/2023 | Proteomic analysis of the esophageal epithelium reveals key features of eosinophilic esophagitis pathophysiology. Molina-Jimenez F, Ugalde-Trivino L, Arias-Gonzalez L, Relano-Ruperez C, Casabona S, Teresa Perez-Fernandez M, Martin-Dominguez V, Fernandez-Pacheco J, Jose Laserna-Mendieta E, Munoz-Hernandez P, Arias-Arias A, Cano Ainara, Munoz J, Lucendo Alfredo J., Santander C, Majano P. Allergy 2023. |
07/06/2023 | Template-Free Nonrevisiting Uniform Coverage Path Planning on Curved Surfaces. Yang Tong, Valls Miro Jaime, Nguyen Minh, Wang Yue, Xiong, Rong. Ieee-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics 2023, 28(4): 1853-1861. |
19/06/2023 | The effect of food shape on children’s implicit and explicit emotional response. da Quinta N, Rios Y, Llorente R, Naranjo AB, Baranda AB. Food Quality and Preference 2023, 109. |
22/06/2023 | The sustainability series: the plastics problem – pathways towards sustainable solutions against plastic pollution. Fortibuoni T, Jambeck J, Hardesty BD, Addamo AM, Basurko OC. Frontiers in Sustainability 2023, 4. |
23/06/2023 | Healthy marine diesel engine threshold characterisation with probability density functions and ANNs. Castresana J, Gabina G, Quincoces I, Uriondo Z. Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2023, 238. |
03/07/2023 | Achieving coherence between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive. Paramana T, Dassenakis M, Bassan N, Dallangelo C, Campostrini P, Raicevich S, Ronchi F, Giorgi G, Murillas-Maza A, Uyarra MC, et al. Marine Policy 2023, 155. |
04/07/2023 | Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds. Clark BL, Carneiro APB, Pearmain EJ, Rouyer M-M, Clay TA, Cowger W, Phillips RA, Manica A, Hazin C, Eriksen M, …Louzao, Maite, et al. Nature Communications 2023, 14. |
08/07/2023 | Nutritional effect of substituting microalgal concentrates with microencapsulated diets in Mytilus galloprovincialis spat. Campanati C, Arantzamendi L, Zorita I, Briaudeau T, Lekube X, Izagirre U, Aldridge DC. Aquaculture 2023, 576. |
11/07/2023 | EuroGOOS roadmap for operational coastal downstream services. El Serafy G, Meszaros L, Fernandez V, Capet A, She J, Sotillo MG, Melet A, Legrand S, Mourre B, Campuzano F, Federico I, Guarnieri Antonio, Rubio Anna, et al. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
11/07/2023 | A fishing route optimization decision support system: The case of the tuna purse seiner. Granado I, Hernando L, Uriondo Z, Fernandes-Salvador JA. European Journal of Operational Research 2024, 312:718-732. |
17/07/2023 | Pressurized Liquid (PLE) Truffle Extracts Have Inhibitory Activity on Key Enzymes Related to Type 2 Diabetes (α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase). Tejedor-Calvo E, Morales D, Morillo L, Vega L, Caro M, Smiderle FR, Iacomini M, Marco P, Soler-Rivas C. Foods 2023, 12. |
20/07/2023 | Differences in nutrient and undesirable substance concentrations in <i>Maurolicus muelleri</i> across the Bay of Biscay, Norwegian fjords, and the North Sea. Zhu Y, Azad AM, Kjellevold M, Bald C, Inarra B, Alvarez P, Boyra G, Berntssen M, Madsen L, Wiech M. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
20/07/2023 | Mind the Gender Gap in Marine Recreational Fisheries. Pita P, Ainsworth GB, Alba B, Alos J, Beiro J, Martin-Sosa P, Martinez L, Marugan-Pintos B, Morales-Nin B, Mugerza E, et al. Sustainability 2023, 15. |
20/07/2023 | Trophic structure and fishing impacts on an oligotrophic ecosystem in the Western Mediterranean: the Balearic Islands. Sanchez-Zulueta P, Valls M, Guijarro B, Torres MA, Zapata MA, Coll M, Corrales X, Andonegi E, Diaz-Valdes M, Massuti E, Ordines F. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
21/07/2023 | Assessing the potential of Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) for contributing to conservation targets: A global scoping review protocol. Petza D, Amorim E, Ben Lamine E, Colloca F, Dominguez Crisostomo E, Fabbrizzi E, Fraschetti S, Galparsoro I, Giakoumi S, Kruse M, et al. Open research Europe 2023, 3:118-118. |
21/07/2023 | Pouso S, Britton E, Vert C, Marshall J, Uyarra MC: Chapter 8 – Contact with marine blue spaces for human health and well-being. In Oceans and Human Health (Second Edition). Edited by Fleming LE, Alcantara Creencia LB, Gerwick WH, Goh HC, Gribble MO, Maycock B, Solo-Gabriele H. San Diego: Academic Press; 2023: 203-240 |
25/07/2023 | Evaluation of fisheries management policies in the alien species-rich Eastern Mediterranean under climate change. Ofir E, Corrales X, Coll M, Heymans JJ, Goren M, Steenbeek J, Amitai Y, Shachar N, Gal G. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
28/07/2023 | Resistance of aerobic granular sludge microbiomes to periodic loss of biomass. Liebana R, Modin O, Persson F, Hermansson M, Wilen B-M. Biofilm 2023, 6. |
01/08/2023 | Predicting ship fuel consumption using a combination of metocean and on-board data. Zhou Y, Pazouki K, Murphy AJ, Uriondo Z, Granado I, Quincoces I, Fernandes-Salvador JA. Ocean Engineering 2023, 285. |
03/08/2023 | Evaluation of Valorisation Strategies to Improve Grape Stems’ Nutritional Value as an Ingredient for Ruminants’ Diets. San Martin D, Ibarruri J, Luengo N, Ferrer J, Garcia-Rodriguez A, Goiri I, Atxaerandio R, Zufia J, de Camara ES, Inarra B. Sustainability 2023, 15. |
03/08/2023 | Machine learning in marine ecology: an overview of techniques and applications. Rubbens P, Brodie S, Cordier T, Destro Barcellos D, Devos P, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Fincham JI, Gomes A, Handegard NO, Howell K, et al. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2023, 80:1829-1853. |
04/08/2023 | Ecological status of benthic communities associated to mussel farms in South of Chile: Can it be predicted using AMBI? Marin SL, Pino L, Nunez R, Farias D, Iriarte JL, Borja A, Muxika I. Regional Studies in Marine Science 2023, 66. |
04/08/2023 | Mediterranean diet and olive oil, microbiota, and obesity-related cancers. From mechanisms to prevention. Almanza-Aguilera E, Cano A, Gil-Lespinard M, Burguera N, Zamora-Ros R, Agudo A, Farras M. Seminars in Cancer Biology 2023, 95:103-119. |
04/08/2023 | Toward sustainable harvest strategies for marine fisheries that include recreational fishing. Fowler AM, Dowling NA, Lyle JM, Alos J, Anderson LE, Cooke SJ, Danylchuk AJ, Ferter K, Folpp H, Hutt C, Hyder K, Lew D K, Lowry M B, Lynch T P, Meadows N, Mugerza Estanis, et al. Fish and Fisheries 2023, 24:1003-1019. |
04/08/2023 | Toxicopathic effects of waterborne Cd in sole juveniles, a prospective pollution monitoring sentinel for estuarine ecosystems. Briaudeau T, Guerrero-Limon G, Zorita I, Marigomez I, Izagirre U. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
09/08/2023 | Restoring seagrass meadows in Basque estuaries: nature-based solution for successful management. Garmendia JM, Rodríguez JG, Borja Á, Pouso S, del Campo A, Galparsoro I, Fernandes-Salvador JA. Nature-Based Solutions 2023, 4:100084. |
10/08/2023 | Bycatch of short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the pair bottom trawl fishery of the Bay of Biscay and its mitigation with an active acoustic deterrent device (pinger). Puente E, Citores L, Cuende E, Krug I, Basterretxea M. Fisheries Research 2023, 267. |
14/08/2023 | A dataset and template for assessing the ecological status of marine sediments and waters, based on microbial taxa. Borja A. GigaByte (Hong Kong, China) 2023, 2023:gigabyte86-gigabyte86. |
17/08/2023 | CoastCams: A MATLAB toolbox making accessible estimations of nearshore processes, mean water levels, and morphology from timestack images. Nuyts S, Almar R, Morichon D, Dealbera S, Abalia A, Munoz JM, Abessolo GO, Regard V. Environmental Modelling & Software 2023, 168. |
18/08/2023 | Influence of seasonal variability on the trophic structure of pelagic communities. Iglesias B, Louzao M, Bachiller E, Lopez-Lopez L, Santos M, Boyra G, Andonegi E, Cotano U, Preciado I. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
21/08/2023 | Competitive season effects on polyunsaturated fatty acid content in erythrocyte membranes of female football players. Pena N, Amezaga J, Marrugat G, Landaluce A, Viar T, Arce J, Larruskain J, Lekue J, Ferreri C, Ordovas JM, Tueros I. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2023, 20. |
22/08/2023 | Understanding the impact of along-transect resolution on acoustic surveys. Boyra G, Paradinas I, Rico I, Martinez U, Nogueira E. Scientific Reports 2023, 13. |
25/08/2023 | Otolith shape analysis as a tool for stock identification of two commercially important marine fishes: <i>Helicolenus dactylopterus</i> and <i>Merluccius merluccius</i>. Vaz A, Guerreiro MA, Landa J, Hannipoula O, Thasitis I, Scarcella G, Sabatini L, Vitale S, Mugerza E, Mahe K, et al. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 2023, 293. |
30/08/2023 | Gut microbiota fingerprinting as a potential tool for tracing the geographical origin of farmed mussels (<i>Mytilus galloprovincialis</i>). del Rio-Lavin A, Monchy S, Jimenez E, Pardo MA. Plos One 2023, 18. |
12/09/2023 | Phytoplankton community composition in relation to environmental variability in the Urdaibai estuary (SE Bay of Biscay): Microscopy and eDNA metabarcoding. Bilbao J, Pavloudi C, Blanco-Rayon E, Franco J, Madariaga I, Seoane S. Marine Environmental Research 2023, 191. |
14/09/2023 | Ecosystem indicators to measure the effectiveness of marine nature-based solutions on society and biodiversity under climate change. Murillas-Maza A, Broszeit S, Pouso S, Bueno-Pardo J, Ruiz-Frau A, Terrados J, Jernberg S, Iriondo A, Dolbeth M, Katsanevakis S, Dolbeth M, Katsanevakis S, Somerfield P. J., Fernandes-Salvador, Jose A. Nature-Based Solutions 2023, 4:100085. |
21/09/2023 | An evidence base of ecosystems services provided by diadromous fish in the European Atlantic Area. Ashley M, Murillas A, Muench A, Marta-Pedroso C, Rodwell L, Rees S, Rendle E, Basic T, Copp GH, Diaz E, et al. Ecosystem Services 2023, 64. |
27/09/2023 | Nature-based biopsychosocial resilience: An integrative theoretical framework for research on nature and health. White MP, Hartig T, Martin L, Pahl S, van den Berg AE, Wells NM, Costongs C, Dzhambov AM, Elliott LR, Godfrey A,…Pouso Sarai, Razani N, Secco L, Steininger M O, Stigsdotter U K., Uyarra Maria, van den Bosch M. Environment international 2023, 181:108234-108234. |
08/10/2023 | Connecting population functionality with distribution model predictions to support freshwater and marine management of diadromous fish species. Dambrine C, Lambert P, Elliott S, Boavida-Portugal J, Mateus CS, O’Leary C, Pauwels I, Poole R, Roche W, van den Bergh E, Vanoverbeke Joost, Chust Guillem, Lassalle Geraldine. Biological Conservation 2023, 287. |
11/10/2023 | Effect of circulation at early life stages of European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay from observational data and a Lagrangian approach. Manso-Narvarte I, Caballero A, Hernandez-Carrasco I, Orfila A, Mocoroa MS, Cotano U, Jorda G, Declerck A, Delpey M, Rubio A. Journal of Marine Systems 2024, 242. |
11/10/2023 | Marine invasive alien species in Europe: 9 years after the IAS Regulation. Katsanevakis S, Olenin S, Puntila-Dodd R, Rilov G, Staehr PAU, Teixeira H, Tsirintanis K, Birchenough SNR, Jakobsen HH, Knudsen SW, Lanzen Anders, Mazaris A. D., Piraino S, Tidbury H J. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
12/10/2023 | Managing marine resources sustainably – Ecological, societal and governance connectivity, coherence and equivalence in complex marine transboundary regions. Elliott M, Borja A, Cormier R. Ocean & Coastal Management 2023, 245. |
19/10/2023 | A recipe for plastic: Expert insights on plastic additives in the marine environment. Maes T, Preston-Whyte F, Lavelle S, Gomiero A, Booth AM, Belzunce-Segarra MJ, Bellas J, Brooks S, Bakir A, Devriese LI, et al. Marine pollution bulletin 2023, 196:115633-115633. |
21/10/2023 | Retrospective analysis of the pelagic ecosystem of the Western Mediterranean Sea: Drivers, changes and effects. Coll M, Bellido JM, Pennino MG, Albo-Puigserver M, Baez JC, Christensen V, Corrales X, Fernandez-Corredor E, Gimenez J, Julia L, et al. The Science of the total environment 2023:167790-167790. |
24/10/2023 | Using long-term data series to design adequate protected areas that ensure the conservation of inconspicuous small petrel species. De la Cruz A, Pereira JM, Paiva VH, Ramos JA, Oliveira N, Alonso H, Saavedra C, Vazquez JA, Garcia-Baron I, Arcos JM, Arroyo GM. Journal of Applied Ecology 2023. |
25/10/2023 | Production of Bioactive Peptides from Hake By-Catches: Optimization and Scale-Up of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process. Inarra B, Bald C, Gutierrez M, San Martin D, Zufia J, Ibarruri J. Marine drugs 2023, 21. |
31/10/2023 | Whey-pectin microcapsules improve the stability of grape marc phenolics during digestion. De La Cruz-Molina AV, Goncalves C, Neto MD, Pastrana L, Jauregi P, Amado IR. Journal of Food Science 2023. |
01/11/2023 | A multi-taxa assessment of aquatic non-indigenous species introduced into Iberian freshwater and transitional waters. Zamora-Marin JM, Ruiz-Navarro A, Oficialdegui FJ, Anastacio PM, Miranda R, Garcia-Murillo P, Cobo F, Ribeiro F, Gallardo B, Garcia-Berthou E,…Franco Javier, et al. Neobiota 2023, 89:17-44. |
04/11/2023 | Unidirectional trans-Atlantic gene flow and a mixed spawning area shape the genetic connectivity of Atlantic bluefin tuna. Diaz-Arce N, Gagnaire P-A, Richardson DE, Walter Iii JF, Arnaud-Haond S, Fromentin J-M, Brophy D, Lutcavage M, Addis P, Alemany F, Allman R, Deguara S, Fraile Igaratza, Goni N, Hanke Alex R, Karakulak F S, Pacicco A, Quattro J M, Rooker Jay R, Arrizabalaga Haritz, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Naiara. Molecular Ecology 2023. |
08/11/2023 | Growth and natural mortality of <i>Maurolicus muelleri</i> and <i>Benthosema glaciale</i> in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Vastenhoud BMJ, Mildenberger TK, Kokkalis A, Paoletti S, Alvarez P, Garcia D, Wieczorek AM, Klevjer T, Melle W, Jonsson ST, Nielsen JR. Frontiers in Marine Science 2023, 10. |
08/11/2023 | Role of material properties in acoustical target strength: Insights from two species lacking a swimbladder. Ladino A, Perez-Arjona I, Espinosa V, Chillaron M, Vidal V, Godinho LM, Moreno G, Boyra G. Fisheries Research 2024, 270. |
09/11/2023 | “Extreme Highest” and “Extreme Anomalous”: Proposed indices for chlorophyll-a extreme events in European seas between 2003 and 2021. Sagarminaga Y, Borja Á, Fontán A. Remote Sensing of Environment 2024, 300:113885. |
16/11/2023 | Simultaneous analysis of seven 16S rRNA hypervariable gene regions increases efficiency in marine bacterial diversity detection. Leontidou K, Abad-Recio IL, Rubel V, Filker S, Daeumer M, Thielen A, Lanzen A, Stoeck T. Environmental Microbiology 2023. |
17/11/2023 | Time series data (2008-2023) of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and polychlorinated biphenyls in bivalves from Shellfish Production Areas of the Basque coast (SE Bay of Biscay). Zorita I, Solaun O, Rodriguez JG, Larreta J, Abad E, Abalos M. Data in brief 2023, 51:109751-109751. |
21/11/2023 | Impact of dilution on stochastically driven methanogenic microbial communities of hypersaline anoxic sediments. Font-Verdera F, Liebana R, Rossello-Mora R, Viver T. FEMS microbiology ecology 2023, 99. |
23/11/2023 | Otolith-temperature estimates in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the Mediterranean Sea: Insights from clumped isotope measurements. Artetxe-Arrate I, Brophy D, Dettman DL, Lastra-Luque P, Varela JL, Oray I, Arrizabalaga H, Fraile I. Marine Environmental Research 2024, 193:106283. |
25/11/2023 | Comparison of wave overtopping estimation models for urban beaches. Towards an early warning system on the Basque coast (Zarautz, Beach). de Santiago I, Plomaritis TA, Avalos D, Garnier R, Abalia A, Epelde I, Liria P. The Science of the total environment 2023:168783-168783. |
27/11/2023 | Thermal sensitivity of field metabolic rate predicts differential futures for bluefin tuna juveniles across the Atlantic Ocean. Trueman CN, Artetxe-Arrate I, Kerr LA, Meijers AJS, Rooker JR, Sivankutty R, Arrizabalaga H, Belmonte A, Deguara S, Goni N, Rodriguez-Marin E, Dettman David L, Santos M N, Karakulak F S, Tinti F, Tsukahara Y, Fraile Igaratza. Nature communications 2023, 14:7379-7379. |
28/11/2023 | Shrinking body size of European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay. Taboada FG, Chust G, Santos Mocoroa M, Aldanondo N, Fontán A, Cotano U, Álvarez P, Erauskin-Extramiana M, Irigoien X, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Boyra Guillermo, Uriarte Andrés, Ibaibarriaga Leire. Global Change Biology 2024, 30:e17047. |
29/11/2023 | Revisiting the mercury cycle in marine sediments: A potential multifaceted role for Desulfobacterota. Rincon-Tomas B, Lanzen A, Sanchez P, Estupinan M, Sanz-Saez I, Bilbao ME, Rojo D, Mendibil I, Perez-Cruz C, Ferri M, Capo E, Abad-Recio Ion L., Amouroux D, Bertilsson S, Sanchez O, Acinas Silvia G., Alonso-Saez Laura. Journal of hazardous materials 2024, 465:133120-133120. |
01/12/2023 | Van De Kamp, Jodie; Borja, Ángel; Bissett, Andrew. DNA-based microbial bioindication of environmental state. In: Simon Jarman, Clare Holleley, Oliver Berry, editor/s. Applied Environmental Genomics. CSIRO Publishing; 2023. 19. |
07/12/2023 | New tools and recommendations for a better management of harmful algal blooms under the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Sagarminaga Y, Garcés E, Francé J, Stern R, Revilla M, Magaletti E, Bresnan E, Tsirtsis G, Jakobsen HH, Sampedro N, Reñé A, Camp J, Borja Ángel, Rodríguez José Germán, Spada E, Pagou K, De Angelis R, Lanzén Anders, Ferrer Luis, Borrello P, Boicenco L. Kobos J, Mazaris A, Katsanevakis S. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2023, 1. |
09/12/2023 | Benthic macroinfaunal communities of the pockmark fields in the south-eastern Bay of Biscay. Garmendia JM, Muxika I, Rodríguez JG, Arrese B, Díez-García I, Gómez-Ballesteros M, Sánchez F, Borja Á, Galparsoro I. Continental Shelf Research 2024, 272:105162. |
12/12/2023 | Conceptualising Marine Biodiversity Mainstreaming as an Enabler of Regional Sustainable Blue Growth: The Case of the European Atlantic Area. Kyriazi Z, de Almeida LR, Marhadour A, Kelly C, Flannery W, Murillas-Maza A, Kalaydjian R, Farrell D, Carr LM, Norton D, Hynes S. Sustainability 2023, 15. |
14/12/2023 | Effect of age and dietary habits on Red Blood Cell membrane fatty acids in a Southern Europe population (Basque Country). Marrugat G, Cano A, Amézaga J, Arranz S, Embade N, Millet Ó, Ferreri C, Tueros I. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2024:102602. |
14/12/2023 | Securing success for the Nature Restoration Laws. Hering D, Schurings C, Wenskus F, Blackstock K, Borja A, Birk S, Bullock C, Carvalho L, Dagher-Kharrat MB, Lakner S, et al. Science (New York, NY) 2023, 382:1248-1250. |
15/12/2023 | Altered Red Blood Cell Fatty Acid and Serum Adipokine Profiles in Subjects with Obesity. Leniz A, Fernandez-Quintela A, Arranz S, Portune K, Tueros I, Arana E, Castano L, Velasco O, Portillo MP. Biomedicines 2023, 11. |
15/12/2023 | Robots for Underground Pipe Condition Assessment (Chapter 11). Valls Miro Jaime. In Book: “Infrastructure Robotics: Methodologies, Robotic Systems and Applications,”. Edited by Dikai Liu, Carlos Balaguer, Gamini Dissanayake, and Mirko Kovac. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Published 2024 by John Wiley&Sons, Inc. |
20/12/2023 | Validation of a debiasing addition to Analytical Hieratical Process tools to increase the effects of side-stream utilization and the choice of the filtration system in the European mussel aquaculture and processing industry Schrøder SE , San Martin D, Foti G, Gutierrez M, Iñarra Chastagnol B, Nielsen JR, Larsen E. Frontiers in Food Science and Technology 2023, 3, 1258713. |
27/12/2023 | Chelidonichthys lucerna (Linnaeus, 1758) Population Structure in the Northeast Atlantic Inferred from Landmark-Based Body Morphometry. Ferreira I, Schroeder R, Mugerza E, Oyarzabal I, McCarthy ID, Correia AT. Biology 2024, 13:17. |
29/12/2023 | Boumans R, Kelly-Fair M, Gopal S, Pitts J, Oliveira B: Dynamic Integrated Modeling for Coastal and Estuarine Systems. In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier; 2023. |