Spatial planning


Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning assessment tool
A tool to assess if a spatial plan is aligned with ecosystem-based management criteria

Ecological Assessment and Marine Spatial Planning (VAPEM tool)
VAPEM tool intends to move towards an integrated understanding of an ecosystem capacity to maintain activities to inform managers and decision makers.

Wave Energy Converters Ecological Risk Assessment (WEC ERA tool)
Within the VAPEM - Ecological assessment and marine spatial planning tool, the Wave Energy model analyses the risk of different environmental components produced by potential pressures of wave energy technologies.

Wind energy feasibility
Within the VAPEM - Ecological assessment and marine spatial planning tool, the Wind Farms model integrates technical, economic, environmental and social factors, aiming at identifying feasible locations for offshore wind farms.

Conflicts of Use model
Within the VAPEM - Ecological assessment and marine spatial planning tool, the Conflict of Use model determines where conflicts for the use of the marine space might emerge. This model can be used to resolve spatial conflicts between sectors by analysing potential reallocation sites for activities when a new non-take area is introduced.

Natural Capital model
Within the VAPEM - Ecological assessment and marine spatial planning tool, the natural capital model aims at linking maritime activities (bottom trawling, artisanal fisheries, aquaculture and tourism) to their demand for ecosystem services (ES) and further, to the natural capital (NC) components responsible for their production.

Environmental definition of an offshore fish aquaculture production area on the Basque coast

Improved science based maritime spatial planning and identification of marine protected areas

Super Observatory of the Bay of Biscay, a comprehensive ecosystemic and multi-platform observatory

Streamlining the Assessment of environmental effects of WAVE energy

Environmental Assessment and Marine Spatial Planning

Wave Energy in Southern Europe

Conserving Atlantic Biodiversity by Supporting Innovative Small Scale Fisheries co-Management

Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Sustainable Aquaculture

European Marine Observation and Data Network

Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress