Service to support MSFD assessment for indicators based on chlorophyll-a values from ocean colour satellites.
The Service proposed aims to enhance the usefulness and use of different satellite datasets of chlorophyll-a covering the European Marine regions concerned by MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive), including those datasets distributed by CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service).
Presently there are 45 products in CMEMS catalogue including chlorophyll-a parameter. These datasets include satellite product datasets, biogeochemical models and in-situ monitoring networks. Although focus will be set on satellite datasets, biogeochemical models and in-situ datasets will also be included or acknowledged to raise awareness of these.
Moreover, new derived products will be generated from the original CMEMS and other distributors datasets (cf. next section for details) that if proven interesting, could contribute to extend the current CMEMS catalogue.
Finally after the implementation and communication of the service, feedback from users will be collected in order to detect the strengths and weakness of the services and data proposed. This information will provide a valuable input for datasets providers (such as CMEMS) and service providers to improve their products according to the specific needs of MSFD actors and attract similar profile users to the use of remote sensing and models datasets.
In summary this service will reinforce the visibility of CMEMS datasets to users contributing to the MSFD and facilitate understanding of these data to promote their introduction in MSFD related tasks.
Project Data
Partners |
Funding |
Lenght |
2017 – 2018 |
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