Tracking marine litter: technology to detect and predict how it behaves

Anna Rubio, Irene Ruiz, Ivan Manso (Operational Oceanography area) and Oihane Cabezas (Sustainable Fisheries Technologies area) The increasing frequency of accidents and emergencies at sea is one of the main reasons for having an operational oceanographic system that provides valuable information for managing marine pollution. A need that was recently reminded by the plastic pellets […]

Radar de alta frecuencia en Matxitxako

#ebegi: the coastal observatory of the future to move towards the blue economy and fight against climate change impact on the coast

AZTI technological center has launched the #ebegi project, which aims to strengthen the observation capacities of the coastal ecosystem in the southeast of the Bay of Biscay. High-quality marine observations and reliable, harmonized and accessible data are a prerequisite for integrated management of marine ecosystems to move towards the sustainable transformation of the blue economy […]


Xixili, the underwater glider that keeps watch over our waters

ANNA RUBIO, ASIER NIETO and GUILLERMO BOYRA. AZTI experts in Marine Technologies and Fisheries Management. Since the end of September, a new “inhabitant” has been sailing the seas: Xixili has been gliding in the waters around Bilbao on an important mission: to take scientific measurements of environmental and biological variables. This autonomous underwater vehicle, known […]


EuroGOOS – Coastal Working Group

To examine the entire value chain from coastal observations, satellite data, ocean forecasts and analysis, to products and services for coastal users.

High impact scientific publications. Scientific articles published by AZTI in 2023

Scientific excellence, backed by the practical application of our research results, is the basis that positions our team as an international benchmark. This recognition translates into our outstanding participation as leading speakers in international forums and a consolidated presence in the main scientific committees linked to our research fields. It is also worth highlighting the […]
