Last week, Tamara Fernandez presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modeling (UDM) held in Palermo (Italy) and organized by the IWA (International Water Association) a communication entitled “Model based assessment of sanitation systems for the integrated management of industrial discharges “which includes part of the results of the simulation work of the collector network in Ondarroa-Berriatua carried out by CEIT-IK4 within the framework of the LIFE-VERTALIM project.
The UDM Conference deals with the main and advanced topics related to modelling the urban drainage system (e.g., water quality and quantity, urban flooding and modelling, urban flood forecasting and risk analysis, socio-economic interactions and modelling tools, etc… ) by focusing the attention on the interrelationships among the entire water cycle, environment and society. The UDM seeks to create a forum for promoting the discussion amongst scientists, professionals and academia on urban drainage thus providing to women and men of this field decisive ideas.