Natural resources

/Tag:Natural resources

LIFE VERTALIM in the 3rd International conference EWaS

LIFE VERTALIM 3rd International conference EWaS 2018 LIFE VERTALIM in the 3rd International conference EWaS, entitled “Insights on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” where it has been shown and explained the LIFE VERTALIM project through the development of a platform for the SMEs industrial wastewater integration into the urban wastewater. During [...]

Life VERTALIM project is showcased to students from the Basque Country within LIFE programme 25th anniversary celebrations

Around 40 students of 3rd year secondary education (ESO) from San Fidel school (Gernika) visited AZTI in Derio to learn more about the LIFE VERTALIM project and how to prevent, reuse and manage food waste. This visit was organized within the celebration of 25th anniversary of LIFE programme. The LIFE programme [...]

By |December 21st, 2017|Eventos y publicaciones, Featured, News, Uncategorised|0 Comments