
May 4, 2012

RIM 19 (03)

RIM19(3): Instructions for the use of the AMBI index software (Version 5.0)

Author / Editor: Ángel Borja, Julien Mader, Iñigo Muxika (AZTI-Tecnalia) Year: 2012 Content: The AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) was developed in 2000. Some years later a software was created for the calculation and made available in the page Several
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RIM 19 (04)

RIM19(4): Proposal for classification of the potential of currents, tides and waves for its possible use of energy

Author / Editor: Manuel González, Pedro Liria, Juan Amate, Jaime Domínguez andMaría C. Uyarra Year: 2012 Content: Based on a detailed analysis of the regional and global variability ranges in the existing estimates of the theoretical potential of marine energy, a simple
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