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The achievement of the general and specific objectives planned will be ensured through the completion of the following tasks that have been grouped in three work packages.



Data preparation

  • Task 1.1. Sampling, documenting and archiving.
  • Task 1.2. Generation of genetic data tables.

Deliverable 1.1. Database of samples per species with corresponding metadata

Deliverable 1.2.Table of discovered and  genotyped variants per Species



Connectivity and genetic adaptation

  • Task 2.1. Population connectivity and identification of spawning components
  • Task 2.2. Identification of genomic signatures of adaptation
  • Task 2.3. Detecting and quantifying inter and intraspecific hybridization
  • Task 2.4. Development and application of single(few)-marker assays for individual assignment

Deliverable 2.1. Report about the population structure of the black anglerfish, including hybridization with the white anglerfish

Deliverable 2.2. Report about the population structure of the European hake, including potential temporal spawning components and signatures of adaptation 

Deliverable 2.3. Report about the population structure of the European pilchard, including potential temporal spawning components and signatures of adaptation 

Deliverable 2.4. Report about the population structure of the Atlantic mackerel, including potential area related spawning components and signatures of adaptation 



Integration of genetic information into fisheries assessment

  • Task 3.1. Simulation of the assessment using alternative scenarios
  • Task 3.2.  Strategies to effectively communicate genetic data to the assessment process

Deliverable 3.1. Report comparing the assessment for hake using the current versus the genetically-informed scenario 

Deliverable 3.2. Report comparing the assessment for white anglerfish using the current versus the genetically-informed scenario