Project Description

AZTI will be responsible for the Specific Contract Management (SCM) and coordination with partners and to report the progress, outputs and limitations to the Consortium Project Leader and Management Unit of the Framework Contract (see section 3). The CPL, in conjunction with SCM as required, will be communicated with the Contracting Authority. The SCM (AZTI) will ensure the overall scientific coordination and management of the specific contract, the coordination of the progress of the project’s technical and scientific work and provision of the respective deliverables, and; the communication with the CPL and MU. In AZTI, “Marine resource management” research is carried out in collaboration with the main European Research Centers within the framework of International Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs). In particular, the AZTI team involved in this project has had a remarkable participation in tuna RFMOs including Dr. Josu Santiago (Chairman of ICCAT’s SCRS (20112014) and albacore WG (1993-1999) and of the IATTC FAD Working Group (2015-), among others); Dr. Hilario Murua (Chairman of IOTC’s SC (2015-), ICCAT BET rapporteur (2015-); Dr. Haritz Arrizabalaga (Chairman of ICCAT’s albacore WG (2011-), the Subcommittee on Ecosystems (2006-2010) and of the Planning Group on Tuna Tagging, 2005); and Dr. Gorka Merino (vice-Chair of IOTC’s Working Party on Tropical Tunas and actively involved in the development of MSE in ICCAT and IOTC since 2013). Dr Merino is nominated as the SCM to have overall responsibility to conduct the technical inputs in the project and to assure the quality of major outputs. Dr. Santiago, Dr. Arrizabalaga, Dr. Hilario, and Dr. Gorka Merino correspond to staff category I.

Project Details



Project Date:

February 15, 2017