Life Vertalim

LIFE VERTALIM in the international Conference HERAKLION 19

Cartel de Congreso

During the days 29-29 of June 2019, LIFE VERTALIM project has participated in this congress through an oral presentation. Monica Gutierrez shown the main results of the project and also how the proposed solutions contributed in the field of circular economy. Further. the presentation was received with great interest and  several questions and intesrest about different aspects of the development of the project.

The 7th International Conference HERAKLION 19 on Sustainable Management of Solid Waste,  aimed to address the significant issue of sustainable solid waste management through the promotion of safe practices & effective technologies. The Conference focused mainly on modern solid waste technologies. It aimed to stimulate the interest of scientists and citizens and inform them about the latest developments in the field of municipal solid waste management. Furthermore, the main conference subjects were: Separation at source, Biological Treatment, the treatment at central facilities, waste prevention, biowaste utilization, recycling promotion, Waste-to-energy technologies & energy recovery, smart technologies for waste management, sludge management, agricultural and livestock waste, management of specific waste streams, biotechnology, Best Available techniques (BAT), symbiosis networks, energy consumption and saving, carbon footprint and water footprint, zero-waste initiatives, plastics and bioplastics, marine litter constitute main conference subjects.

Moreover, emphasis had placed on circular economy in all key action areas (production, consumption, waste management, secondary raw materials, innovation, investment & monitoring) and all priority sectors (food waste, plastics, biomass and bio-based-products, construction & demolition waste, critical raw materials), as well as waste management issues and resource efficiency in islands and generally isolated and remote areas.